TINO IQ Forecasting with over 80% accuracy since 2016

Game – Pro Trader

Result - Forecasting accuracy has averaged over 80% : "Consistently"

As you sign up for TINO IQ – You get access to both TINO IQ and DIYFIRE automatically. TINO IQ is an app while DIYFIRE caters to desktop users. Below are the key points for each:

TINO IQ has also launched AHF (100% Auto Hedge Fund)

TINO IQ = Quantum + Causal + Cognitive + Machine learning

TINO IQ  has developed proprietary algorithms from the ground up

Our algorithms are different from the normally used indicators like moving averages, etc.  They don’t say “What happened,” –our algorithms are designed to say “What should happen.”

Consider IQ as various lenses through which you see the stock movement. With one lens you can see the pattern, with another, you can’t.

We dedicate our algorithms to people whose works were inspirational in developing these algorithms.

Edison  Einstein  Hayek  Jesse  Keynes  Newton  Schrödinger Sigmund Ramanujan Vinci

How we detect Artificial Manipulation

Example 1:

The stock was trading in a normal range. Our algorithms observed that the stock was getting artificially manipulated, so we published the trading opportunity on Twitter on October 19th with a target price of $36.05. The next day (October 20th) stock prices went up and touched $36.71. People who took the profits were happy as the following day (October 21st) stock prices went down by 8% to $33. This was the last rise before the downturn, As of Dec-11 the stock is down to $22.74

Capturing these kinds of trades is very difficult, as hedge funds and algorithms try to hide their trading patterns.

However at TINO IQ we have been able to find some patterns, and our research team works hard every day to find more patterns like this

Example 2:

TINO’s prediction on 30th Oct 2015 (Twitter : #tinoiq) for YELP was 40% gain on current market price of the stock.


TINO’s recommendations had helped our followers to gain 40 % profit.  The traders who held onto YELP ended up seeing the stock value go down 40% since 2nd Dec 2015.

This shows how TINO IQ has specialized in capturing “Trading patterns of Computers and Humans”. TINO is known for its precise prediction in stocks showing signs of Artificial Manipulation.

Humans”. TINO is known for its precise prediction in stocks showing signs of Artificial Manipulation.



Can you make money in Financial Markets ?

Money-making has become an integral part of life. People put in a lot of hard work to earn their precious money.  Making money with the stock market is hard, and on top of it everyone thinks about how one can earn additional money apart from their regular income. Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book titled “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” talks about the necessity of generating a passive income. One of the key ideas he talks about is how one can make profit with the stock market. Earlier the stock market moved as fast as humans could pick up a telephone and place orders.  Market moving news came at a much slower pace giving market analysts more time to study and adjust to changing market conditions.

In recent times, automatic trading by computers makes up the majority of trades. In less time than it takes to blink an eye, computers are moving markets based on the rapid 24/7 news cycle. How does anybody keep up with a market that changes so fast? The stocks are manipulated and you would see a stock going up for no reason and going down for no reason.

TINO IQ  History

TINO IQ is the result of over 20 years of long research of analyzing various factors impacting the market. Many stock market analysts use technical or fundamental indicators for making decisions, The indicators that are moving the markets are constantly changing. Hence the information being used to evaluate the markets should change, too.

For example, look in Feb 2016 what were commonly used indicators telling about AAPL stock price. Some say it BUY — some say SELL. Which indicator should an investor trust ?

TINO IQ has built proprietary algorithms to better understand stock market intrinsic details. This gives  users a platform where they can see which stocks might be getting artificially manipulated to go up/down.

Our idea is simple — keep on making small gains slowly without falling prey to illusions the market creates for everyone.


TINO IQ is available to you anytime anywhere, as we understand the importance of time when it comes to trading.

Some of our users say TINO IQ is now their financial adviser. We make an enormous effort  checking our prediction accuracy.