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Game – Pro Trader

Game - Pro Trader

How much confident are you in your trading habits?

  1. So you think you know your stock quite well ? You have that feeling when the stock would go up or down ?
  2. Test and Sharpen your skills by using Pro-Trader
  3. This is the game about, trying to develop the “trader instincts” for a stock.
  4. There are many people who just day in day out buy the same stock and if you ask them why they bought or sold it – they would say i feel it.
  5. Pro-trader would help people develop those trading instincts.
  • You can see review your trading patterns, how good you were in finding those top and bottoms.
  • Do you have biases in you regarding buying too early and then seeing price dropping more and wishing you had waited few more days to get better price ?
  •  The more you practice on stocks the more you get better at trading. We have all heard don’t be a sheep – In the pro-trader can help in doing Neuro Linguistic Programming of your brain so that you can see the trading opportunities

 Did we told you  :

  • You can pause the game and resume anytime. This allows you to analyze conditions and respond accordingly
  • You can play the game for any stock in your portfolio
  • You can control the level of difficultly and duration of the game
  • We scan thousands of stocks to find stock which match with your trading habits.  These are  best stocks that you can trade where you can have highest probability for success

 Interpreting t

  • Do you have biases in you regarding buying too early and then seeing price dropping more and wishing you had waited few more days to get better price ?
  •  The more you practice on stocks the more you get better at trading. We have all heard don’t be a sheep – In the pro-trader can help in doing Neuro Linguistic Programming of your brain so that you can see the trading opportunities


Interpreting the he results chart

The graph here showing buying accuracy vs selling accuracy shows you three circles – Red, Yellow and Green.

Red indicates your speed rush mindset and what percentage of time you were moving too fast in buying or selling.

Yellow is capturing lazy / procrastination side of you. It captures what % of time you were slow

Green is Dalai Lama zone – This is where you need to be for really making consistently profitable trades


Scientific Theories supporting the model

EEGs taken before and after the training showed that the biggest changes occurred in the brains of the group that trained using the “dual n-back” method.

One of the two brain-training methods most scientists use in research is significantly better in improving memory and attention, Johns Hopkins University researchers found. It also results in more significant changes in brain activity.

First, the team assembled three groups of participants, all young adults. Everyone took an initial battery of cognitive tests to determine baseline working memory, attention and intelligence. Everyone also got an electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure brain activity. Then, everyone was sent home to practice a computer task for a month. One group used one leading brain exercise while the second group used the other. The third group practiced on a control task.

The training programs Johns Hopkins compared are not the commercial products available sold to consumers, but tools scientists rely on to test the brain’s working memory.

Everyone trained five days a week for 30 minutes, then returned to the lab for another round of tests to see if anything about their brain or cognitive abilities had changed.

The researchers found that the group that practiced what’s known as a “dual n-back” exercise showed a 30 percent improvement in their working memory. That was nearly double the gains made by the group working with the other common task, known as “complex span.” The dual n-back group also showed significant changes in brain activity in the prefrontal cortex, the critical region responsible for higher learning.

The “dual n-back” is a memory sequence test in which people must remember a constantly updating sequence of visual and auditory stimuli. The Johns Hopkins participants saw squares flashing on a grid while hearing letters. They had to remember if the square they just saw and the letter they heard were both the same as one round back. As the test got harder, they had to recall squares and letters two, three, and four rounds back. It’s a bit like the children’s electronic game Simon, but instead of just recalling sounds and colors, you have to remember the current sequence and the one a few rounds back.

Courtesy: John Hopkins University : http://releases.jhu.edu/2017/10/17/johns-hopkins-finds-training-exercise-that-boosts-brain-power/